The ad we analysed in class is that of Marlboro's, in around the 1950's. It tries to convey how people who smoke Marlboro are very successful, mentally and emotionally. The clothing of the two people (or couple) in the ad shows us this due to their affluent clothing. Also, going on a vacation in Guatemala wasn't the cheapest thing back then, as air travel was just emerging. They are the sort of people that everyone in todays society try to emulate: successful, affluent and living the life of their dreams. Hence it appeals more so to people's emotions to smoke Marlboro cigarettes so that they could get a taste of the high life, which leads us to conclude that in the ad, affluence and exoticness is highly valued.
Everyone wants to become affluent in todays society. Nowadays, we associate joy with materialistic goods like a huge flat-screen TV or a fancy car. Vacations to far-away places also indulge us more than they used to previously, as we think it is an indication of our affluence, and the demand for exotic goods is on the rise. This shows us how materialistic the world has become now compared to about a couple of decades ago. This shows us how materialistic the world has become now compared to about a couple of decades ago.
This ad, if you notice, has a small indication at the bottom where it says what sort of tips it sells. They mention they sell beauty-tips as well which shows that the ad was targeted a bit towards women of that time. The picture of the man lighting the cigarette for the woman also supports this claim. But no one is really marginalized or empowered in this commercial. In conclusion, I think that the advertisement successfully does the job of marketing the cigarettes toward a large audience, as no social group is targeted.
The advertisement
Everyone wants to become affluent in todays society. Nowadays, we associate joy with materialistic goods like a huge flat-screen TV or a fancy car. Vacations to far-away places also indulge us more than they used to previously, as we think it is an indication of our affluence, and the demand for exotic goods is on the rise. This shows us how materialistic the world has become now compared to about a couple of decades ago. This shows us how materialistic the world has become now compared to about a couple of decades ago.
This ad, if you notice, has a small indication at the bottom where it says what sort of tips it sells. They mention they sell beauty-tips as well which shows that the ad was targeted a bit towards women of that time. The picture of the man lighting the cigarette for the woman also supports this claim. But no one is really marginalized or empowered in this commercial. In conclusion, I think that the advertisement successfully does the job of marketing the cigarettes toward a large audience, as no social group is targeted.
The advertisement
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